This spring we noticed people with loudspeakers at the train stations, who were handing out fliers and broadcasting about politics. It seemed odd, but people routinely hand out fliers in front of the station.
We also saw billboard-sized signs with numbered boxes setting up near parks and walkways around the city. A few days later, posters for all sorts of political candidates appeared for people to look at, and some people did stop to glance.
Continuing with their like of megaphones, they also drove around in cars equipped with speaker systems. They turned up the speakers loud enough for people to hear inside their homes, sometimes even stopping outside of apartment buildings. They also used this time to greet people walking by on the street. One time, one politician stopped to make sure a child was okay after witnessing him fall in a park. Unfortunately, they continued with their megaphone cars into the mid-evening when younger children have already gone to bed.
Thankfully the election took place a week later, so the campaign cycle is short. We have decided that the political telephone calls and commercials are not too bad in comparison, though.