Japan remains a mystery to many Western cultures. It is a land full of natural beauty; everything from towering mountains to tranquil rice fields make up the land. Japan also fantastically weaves traditional Japanese life with the ever changing modern world. Despite everything wonderful that Japan has to offer, it is a country full of depression, bullying, withdrawal, and a high suicide rate. The Japanese people work hard to live happy lives, but few have hope for the future. Not all hope is lost, though; God is at work in Japan.
There are faithful Japanese Christians sharing what God has done for them and offering hope to those who desire it. There are also foreign missionaries giving aid and sharing in ministry. Yet, estimates indicate more Japanese people choose to live a life of solitude in their rooms than serve and worship God. That means more people have given up hope than received hope from God.
God has not given up on Japan and neither have we. Through Baptist Mid-Missions, we work with other missionaries and Japanese churches to share the Good News of Christ in a variety of methods that penetrate Japanese worldviews. We also want others to learn about Japan, how God is currently working, and consider what they can do to take part.
Andrew and Janae
There are faithful Japanese Christians sharing what God has done for them and offering hope to those who desire it. There are also foreign missionaries giving aid and sharing in ministry. Yet, estimates indicate more Japanese people choose to live a life of solitude in their rooms than serve and worship God. That means more people have given up hope than received hope from God.
God has not given up on Japan and neither have we. Through Baptist Mid-Missions, we work with other missionaries and Japanese churches to share the Good News of Christ in a variety of methods that penetrate Japanese worldviews. We also want others to learn about Japan, how God is currently working, and consider what they can do to take part.
Andrew and Janae
God's story through us
Andrew grew up in a Christian home in Nebraska and then later, Iowa. At the age of five, he understood who Jesus is and how Jesus’ death and resurrection affected his life directly, offering the gift of forgiveness from God. Andrew learned to serve God through his church, but had no intention doing something “crazy” like becoming a missionary. In high school, Andrew chose to study Japanese for four years, which created a desire to visit Japan. During college and seminary, he joined two Japan missions trips. Consequently, he fell in love with the country and the people (despite still desiring to pastor in the United States).
Janae grew up in a Christian home in Illinois and trusted at an early age that Jesus’ death granted forgiveness from God. Through serving in church and working at Bible camp, she developed a deeper relationship with God and learned about serving God full-time. In college, she spent eleven months in Peru through Baptist Mid-Mission’s ARRIBA! program. She lived with nationals, studied the language, and learned about missions first-hand. After graduation, she taught secondary English at a Christian school.
Through connections established in Japan, Joe and Noney Mita, BMM missionaries, invited us to help with English ministries for twelve months at a church in Iwatsuki, Saitama. God used this experience to show His calling of us to full-time missions. God also opened the door for us to return to Japan for three months to undergo Japan-based evangelism training. In May 2018, our family arrived in Tama, Japan to further study the Japanese language and serve together with Megumi Baptist Church.
We have three children, Jonah (March 2015), Aila (May 2017), and Josiah (February 2021).
Andrew grew up in a Christian home in Nebraska and then later, Iowa. At the age of five, he understood who Jesus is and how Jesus’ death and resurrection affected his life directly, offering the gift of forgiveness from God. Andrew learned to serve God through his church, but had no intention doing something “crazy” like becoming a missionary. In high school, Andrew chose to study Japanese for four years, which created a desire to visit Japan. During college and seminary, he joined two Japan missions trips. Consequently, he fell in love with the country and the people (despite still desiring to pastor in the United States).
Janae grew up in a Christian home in Illinois and trusted at an early age that Jesus’ death granted forgiveness from God. Through serving in church and working at Bible camp, she developed a deeper relationship with God and learned about serving God full-time. In college, she spent eleven months in Peru through Baptist Mid-Mission’s ARRIBA! program. She lived with nationals, studied the language, and learned about missions first-hand. After graduation, she taught secondary English at a Christian school.
Through connections established in Japan, Joe and Noney Mita, BMM missionaries, invited us to help with English ministries for twelve months at a church in Iwatsuki, Saitama. God used this experience to show His calling of us to full-time missions. God also opened the door for us to return to Japan for three months to undergo Japan-based evangelism training. In May 2018, our family arrived in Tama, Japan to further study the Japanese language and serve together with Megumi Baptist Church.
We have three children, Jonah (March 2015), Aila (May 2017), and Josiah (February 2021).
Our Sending Church
We praise God for our sending church, Maranatha Baptist Church of Grimes, IA, who prepared and commissioned us for ministry.
We praise God for our sending church, Maranatha Baptist Church of Grimes, IA, who prepared and commissioned us for ministry.