When a Japanese person wants to show part of their culture, they will not disappoint. We sat around a table full of traditional New Year's food. Our plate contained a platter of sushi, which typically suffices as a meal, yet plates of food covered every inch of the table. It was incredible to see the effort and expense put into explaining the significance of New Year's Day. Another prominent tradition is praying at the shrines and temples. We saw cars lined for a mile in three different directions in order to visit one of the biggest shrines in the small town we lived in. The visitors will give some money (often a small amount), say their prayer to a statue, buy a fortune for good luck, and enjoy food from vendors who line the pathways.
Missions in JapanLearn about Japanese culture, ministry, and some fascinating experiences along the way! Andrew and Janae Gonnerman are church planters serving in Tama, Japan.
April 2023