A little while later, the phone rang and it was the mechanic. The brakes required a bit of work, but nothing unexpected. The mechanic proceeded to explain about a major issue he had found. He discovered that out of four major bushings supporting the front half of the car, three were gone. To explain it simply: if that last bushing had broken, we very easily could have left our engine lying in the middle of the road. Skepticism may have been the initial reaction, but as he explained potential symptoms (some oddities in turning, some clanking sounds, etc), it became obvious that it was an actual issue with our car. He was able to fix it and the car is driving noticeably better.
We praise God that He used something like checking our brakes to help prevent a major catastrophe that could have taken place while driving 70 mph in the mountains. We could live in fear of potential unfavorable events, or we can trust in the sovereignty of God in each situation.